Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Trigger Shot

Bright and early this morning (yes, Sunday) I ran down to the IVF doctor for a check in.  Jeremy was in Frankenmuth with Anna visiting his parents so I was by myself.  The doctor performed an ultrasound to look at my follicles on my ovaries that I have been taking medications to stimulate and they looked great, there were tons of follicles that the doctor said were in great condition, he said that he would have no problems at all getting plenty of quality eggs.

He told me to stop taking the stimulation hormones and we were going to move in to Egg Retrieval mode.  I was told to take my "trigger shot" that starts the egg production that night.  The retrieval process is scheduled for Tuesday morning!

The egg retrieval procedure is the more intense of the 2 that I will go through, I will actually be put under anesthesia but the process itself is relatively short and easy.  The doctor will go in and grab all the follicles that look good and hopefully have good eggs growing inside of them then they will be fertilized and the ones that make it past that stage will be allowed to start developing and if everything goes according to plan, next Sunday they will be put back inside of me.

Well, it turns out that "if" is a bigger one than we planned on.  As I said in last post the stimulating hormones were actually working TOO good. So now I am at risk for something called "Ovarian Hyper-stimulation" and because getting pregnant actually will stimulate my ovaries even more there is a chance that actually doing the implantation in the same monthly cycle as taking the drugs will be too much.

The doctor is going to have to make that call on Tuesday and if he decides it is too risky they will freeze the embryos until next month and I will only have to do the easy part of the procedure then.

Obviously I want to do what is in the best interest of my health, but I really hope that we don't have to put anything off for a variety of reasons not the least of which is that my insurance resets in the new year.  But we just have to wait and see how it goes and pray for the best outcome.

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