Sunday, July 15, 2012

Checking In

Just a quick post since it has been awhile, we are still waiting and don't have any definite news.  So far I have had 2 blood tests that the doctor was happy about the outcomes of, so at least we have made it further than last time if nothing else.

Something we found pretty interesting and dramatic.  Here is a picture of the embryos that were implanted this time:

The picture sits on our dresser now as a little inspiration for every morning when I need to get a needle jammed into my behind.  That is really getting old....anyway, on a whim I thought I would take a look at our picture from last time and see how they compared.  Here is what the embryos they implanted last time looked like:

Quite a difference! We were pretty amazed to see that and it helped give us a little more hope that things are just working out better this time around. 

Finally, here is a quote that I think I found on pinterest that has been helpful lately.  Waiting is the hardest part for sure....

We will be getting the news this week, so hopefully no news is good news as far as this blog is concerned.  I still would like to wait to make the big announcement (if indeed there is one to make) and I will hold out as long as I can or to 12 weeks, whatever comes first :) I have some other things to post about anyway so I will work on that and just have faith that it will all work out. 

Thanks again for all the supportive emails and FB messages - they mean a lot to me!!